
New Guest Blog - Skip Town Travel Photography Tips!

Lucy Feagins
Lucy Feagins
26th of June 2011
Designer and travel enthusiast Jess Lillico of Skip Town shares some brilliant photography tips with us this week on the Guest Blog!

After discovering incredible Tassie-born photographer Sean Fennessy recently, it wasn't long before I also stumbled across Skip Town - a fantastic travel blog and online resource for creative travel enthusiasts.  That's because Skip Town is written by Sean's very clever girlfriend, graphic designer Jess Lillico!

It's still quite a young blog, but Skip Town is truly such a brilliant site!  It's beautifully designed (no surprise with a graphic designer at the helm), and the written content is  informative and really well researched.  Amongst lots of useful info, interviews with inspiring travel photographers and stunning images, Skip Town has a strong focus on helpful travel photography tips for everyday people!  (Sean's expertise comes in handy here!)

One FANTASTIC resource Jess has created in conjunction with Sean, is the Skip Town Travel Photography Field Guide - a 32 page downloadable PDF book priced at $20.00.  Beautifully designed by Jess, this e-book is the perfect no-nonsense guide to travel photography - it's not too dense on the theory, focusing instead on the real 'need to know' tips for fantastic photos in any conditions!  Can't believe no one has thought of this before now!

This week Jess joins us on the Guest Blog, sharing a a few fundamentals to help improve your travel photography!  It's just a taste of what's on offer in the Skip Town Travel Photography Field Guide - so if you're keen to learn more, do consider purchasing the e-book.

HUGE thanks to Jess for joining us this week!  Don't forget also to bookmark the very excellent Skip Town blog!  You won't be disappointed!

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