In Print

Petaluma · Meticulous Magazine

Lucy Feagins
Lucy Feagins
5th of September 2013

Meticulous Magazine, produced by South Australian winery Petaluma, with a little input from me!  The cover image is an artwork by celebrated Australian artist Sally Ross, who features in the first issue.

Meticulous Magazine issue 1 – featuring Melbourne artist Sally Ross.

Meticulous Magazine – Issue 1

Squeezing in a cheeky extra post today because there is just TOO much in our bulging content calender, and not enough days in the week this month!

As many of you may have spotted in an ad campaign that has been running in lots of amazing Australian interior magazines over the past two months (Inside Out, Belle magazine and more), this year I have, quite amazingly, been invited by boutique South Australian winery Petaluma to become their ambassador. This is a first for me, I can assure you!

It’s partnerships like this that really go a long way in assisting us to produce super high quality content and photography for TDF week in and week out.  You might have noticed Petaluma’s banners have been popping up a bit around here since then – they’ve come on board as exclusive sponsor of our Tasty Tuesday column, and will also be lending their support  to our annual Open House event as a Major Event Sponsor (all will be revealed very soon on that front – exciting times ahead!).

But to kick things off, I wanted to share with you today the first project Petaluma have been working on with my input – a beautiful little quarterly publication they have created, entitled ‘Meticulous’. Meticulous draws on the creative links between handcrafted Australian wine, and Australia’s talented pool of artists and designers.  The inaugural issue is out now, and features a cross section of art and design news edited by me, including a few of my personal favourites, such as Brunswick based textile design studio Bonnie and Neil, Sydney superstars Dinosaur Designs, and celebrated Melbourne artist Sally Ross!   Issue 1 of the mag also serves to introduce the Petaluma Design Collection – an edit of four Australian design studios whose work deserves celebrating, from emerging stars to established icons.

Meticulous Magazine is free, and is being distributed nationally over the next few weeks.  Look out for it in your favourite restaurant or cafe!  Alternatively, to request a copy (either printed or electronically) simply email

Meticulous Magazine – featuring Melbourne design duo Bonnie and Neil, in a story written by me.

Meticulous Magazine – feature on Dinosaur Designs, edited by me.

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