Interior Design

Mikayla Rose and Family

Lucy Feagins
Lucy Feagins
5th of August 2014
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The Melbourne home of Mikayla Rose and family. Above - living room looking beyond to open plan dining area, the heart of the home.  Artwork at left - 'Bronze Pop' by Rachel Castle, Black stool from Great Dane, 300 year old French table in dining area from Town and Country Antiques, Magill rd in Adelaide. 'Good One' white stools by Tait. Photo - Eve Wilson. Production - Lucy Feagins/The Design Files.
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Mikayla's living room with cosy open fire! Douglas and Bec Mirror, Etched black and white vase found on a seconds table at Paddington markets in Sydney. Brass vase from Country Road.  Lush rug from the new Sierra range by Armadillo and co. Gold floor cushion from Spacecraft and Iko coffee table from Jardan. Photo - Eve Wilson. Production - Lucy Feagins/The Design Files.
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Seb Armchair from Jardan and Iko coffee table again hanging out with a  what Mikayla calls her 'not so fancy and been around the traps' sofa from Plush! Cushion on Seb chair is an old one by Clair Wayman, Curio and Curio. 'Pot of Gold' pot, by Pop and Scott. Photo - Eve Wilson. Production - Lucy Feagins/The Design Files.
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Mikayla in her home. 'An odd nook in the floor plan was discovered when old built in robes were ripped out. We nabbed the opportunity to add an oak shelf and hanging space for long things,' said Mikayla. Print by Lumiere Art and co. Chair from 1000 Chairs. Photo - Eve Wilson. Production - Lucy Feagins/The Design Files.
I tell you what, fitting a family with three young kids comfortably into a three bedroom apartment is no mean feat, but Melbourne interior designer Mikayla Rose took on this challenge with gusto, and the results speak for themselves!  A modest footprint in a charming 1930's deco apartment block in Hawthorn has been cleverly reworked to accommodate Mikayla's kids Flynn (10), Halle (7) and Isla (5), who live here about 60% of the time, spending the rest of the time with their Dad.  TOP WORK Mikayla, you are amazing! Mikayla and her family have been here nearly 18 months, after purchasing the home early last year.  'I had been searching for a while and had become friendly with a local real estate agent; when this came across her desk she rang me' says Mikayla. As soon as she saw the place, although it needed some work, Mikayla knew it would be perfect for her young family. 'It never hit the market - I made an offer at my first inspection and purchased it immediately' she says. Let me just say this about Mikayla. She is a DO-ER.  I've met her only once, but her incredible drive is very clear to me. I guess as single Mum with 3 kids under 10, a 'no messing about' policy is imperative!  Here is how Mikayla handled her renovation.  She designed the new layout, drew up her plans, sourced all finishes and engaged a builder BEFORE she settled on the apartment.  Then, as it happened, settlement day fell just one day before Mikayla was due to leave on a trip to the US, to run the Boston marathon. (Yes, she also runs marathons). 'I was lucky that I had a builder I could trust, as I literally handed the keys and plans over and headed straight overseas' recalls Mikayla.  She wasn't to know then the drama that would unfold during her trip - the bombs went off in Boston about 40 mins after she crossed the finish line.  'I neglected Ben and the renovation a bit whilst I was over there' Mikayla says, after being swept up in the trauma of the Boston bombings.  'Completing the worlds greatest marathon was the most joyful and exhilarating feeling, but also the most horrific day of my life'. Mikayla returned home from Boston three weeks later, shell shocked but super keen to get into her new home.  Luckily, thanks to good planning and the expertise of her builder Ben Thomas, things were well underway.  'We moved in to our perfectly renovated apartment within 4 weeks' she says. Mikayla's apartment refurb was pretty major.  Internal walls and most of the cabinetry was ripped out, allowing Mikayla to carefully customise each centimetre of space.  Perhaps the cleverest decision was opening up the kitchen and hallway to create a central communal dining room at the heart of the home, which is the connecting point for every room in the house.  This clever decision makes for a surprisingly generous layout, and amazingly, it means Mikayla's much loved 3 metre long antique dining table fits right in the centre of the apartment.  'Previously the only dining option was for two at a dicky little island bench that stuck out into a thoroughfare' Mikayla reveals. In the kitchen, Mikayla designed cabinetry to conceal the fridge, pantry and an additional workbench, making the open plan kitchen feel spacious and uncluttered. 'Perhaps its my personality, but in a small space like this, feeling organised goes a long way to making the space a nice place to be' she says. Mikayla's daughters Halle and Isla share a room, whilst Flynn has the tiniest bedroom to himself - complete with custom built 'loft' bed to maximise space. 'A bed on the floor of Flynn's room would have made it impossible to use' explains Mikayla, who elevated the bed to 166cm - her own height plus 1cm - 'so I don’t have to duck!'. Even though she's been here under two years, it hasn't taken long for Mikayla to fill her apartment with personal touches and have it feeling like 'home'.  Amongst her most treasured possessions are that 10 seater dining table - a 300 year old antique which took 4 removalists 2 hours to get in (eventually through the kitchen window!).  'The big table makes the smallish space feel lively. Lots happens around this table!' Mikayla says. Other favourite pieces include Mikayla's clever and super stylish Alexa Lethen Bike hooks (complete with soft leather pad to prevent scratching!) and her circular Douglas and Bec mirror which hangs above the fireplace.   Mikayla is also very proud of her Boston marathon bibs which are framed and hang on the wall in her entryway, amongst other eclectic bits and pieces 'I love that I have collected all of these things gradually over time, and that they are all a part of my story' says Mikayla, who is always keen to help her design clients identify their own special possessions worthy of featuring and framing, in amongst the everyday junk and clutter that always accumulates!   'I think its so important that these personal elements are reflected in a home, and are balanced with the desire to purchase on trend shiny new things' Mikayla explains. 'Of course I like new things (!), but often its the old favourites that make a house a happy and comforting place to be'. Huge thanks to Mikayla for sharing her home and her story with us today.  After many years of running her design business as an 'on the side' project, Mikayla has recently joined forces with friend and former client Kate Symons to launch her interior design practice full-time!  Do pop over and check out their website for more info on Mikayla's other projects.   TDF Hawthorne17688
Looking from central open plan dining area to kitchen and leafy back porch beyond.  Massive 3 metre, 10 seater French table (in foreground) is a 300 year old antique table from Town and Country Antiques, Magill Rd, Adelaide. Pop and Scott pots on back porch. Photo - Eve Wilson. Production - Lucy Feagins/The Design Files.
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Small framed paintings by Mikayla's daughter Halle when she was 2, and photo in the frame is Halle 'face painted' by Flynn, again when she was about 2. Cabinet saved from a scrap heap and restored. Perspex candelabra from Museum of Modern Art, New York. Large painting on the wall to the left by Spacecraft. Photo - Eve Wilson. Production - Lucy Feagins/The Design Files.
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Master bedroom.  Painting by Rachel Castle, Bed head made by Mikayla with a piece of MDF, thick foam, a quilted bed spread and a staple gun. (WOAH SO CLEVER!).  Hand spun steel Lights by Life Space Journey. Cushions by Country Road and Spacecraft. Photo - Eve Wilson. Production - Lucy Feagins/The Design Files.
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Halle and Isla's bedroom.  Daisy rug by Armadillo, Bed linen by Country Road. Side table found in a dingy back corner of an opp shop in Belmont, when Mikayla was living in  Jan Juc.  Artworks on the right include a favourite painting by big cousin Declan made with love for Halle when she was born.  Painted tin birds hanging on door handle, a present to the girls from Nonna. Photo - Eve Wilson. Production - Lucy Feagins/The Design Files.
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Flynn's tiny bedroom made functional with his very own custom installed lofty bed, custom made by Ben Thomas. Bed linen by Country Road. Photo - Eve Wilson. Production - Lucy Feagins/The Design Files.
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Bathroom.  Marimekko towel, Iconic New York 'We are happy to serve you' ceramic cup from MOMA, NYC. Custom designed oak and black steel vanity (with Astra Walker tap and Studio Bagno basin). Photo - Eve Wilson. Production - Lucy Feagins/ The Design Files.
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Entrance stairwell - collection of art, prints, photos and memorabilia on the wall including Patch NYC and Astier de Villatte ceramics, and Mikayla's Boston marathon bibs. Lumiere print and Seed Pod bowl in brass from Dinosaur Designs (on shelf). Photo - Eve Wilson. Production - Lucy Feagins/The Design Files.
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Clever bike hooks from Alexa Lethen, all the way from Denmark. 'They have a little piece of white leather (with aqua sitting) to prevent scratching' says Mikayla. Oak stool from Douglas and Bec. Plant pod by Sarah Parkes, Smalltown. Photo - Eve Wilson. Production - Lucy Feagins/The Design Files.

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