
COS x Daniel Emma

Today we look at an unlikely collaboration, between Swedish retailer COS and Australian design duo Daniel Emma.

Adelaide-based Daniel To and Emma Aiston were approached by COS to create an instore installation, inspired by the COS classic white shirt. ‘Hanging About’ is their response – a fun installation incorporating a custom designed chair, ladder and side table, which can be configured any number of ways. It’s on display in Melbourne and Sydney COS stores until the end of August.

Lisa Marie Corso

COS x Daniel Emma ‘Hanging Out’ installation. 

COS x Daniel Emma ‘Hanging Out’ installation. 

COS x Daniel Emma ‘Hanging Out’ installation. 

COS x Daniel Emma ‘Hanging Out’ installation.

Lisa Marie Corso
17th of August 2016

Leaving your clothes out to dry all over the furniture in your house is a common domestic scene. Occasionally a clotheshorse is used, but hanging a shirt over a chair usually yields better results, especially if you want to avoid ironing that shirt. This idea has recently been explored in a unique project by South Australian design duo Daniel Emma, for Swedish retailer COS.

‘Hanging Out’ is a design installation by Adelaide-based industrial designers and artists Daniel To and Emma Aiston. The pair were approached by COS to create an installation for the retailer’s Melbourne and Sydney stores that showed the classic COS white shirt in a domestic setting. Creative Director of COS, Karin Gustafsson, says, ‘We welcomed the chance to collaborate with Daniel and Emma, and are happy and honoured to be supporting local Australian designers.’

Daniel and Emma responded to the brief practically, by referencing their own domestic habits. ‘We looked at how we use objects and furniture in context with the shirt,’ explains Daniel. ‘In winter our house is strewn with random objects that we use to hang clothing out to dry, and is one of the only times we have our shirts (and underwear) out on display at home, rather than in a wardrobe.’

Using this as a starting point, the pair’s resulting installation features a custom made chair, side table and ladder, and a series of metal poles and magnetic spheres used to peg the garments to the furniture. Hanging out the laundry has never looked better.

‘Hanging Out’ by Daniel Emma for COS is on display at both Melbourne and Sydney stores until the end of August.

COS x Daniel Emma ‘Hanging Out’ installation. 

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