Piping bag
Round piping nozzle
Small paint brush
Baking try lined with greaseproof paper
Stand mixer attacked with a whisk attachment
2 egg whites
1⁄2 cup caster sugar
Americolour food gel
1. Preheat the oven to 120 degrees.
2. Place a round nozzle inside a piping bag.
3. Dip a small food safe paintbrush into the food gel, and use it to paint stripes on the inside of the piping bag. I usually paint three to four long stripes starting at the nozzle going up to top of the bag.
4. Place the egg whites in the stand mixer and begin to beat on medium speed until they begin to look foamy. Little by little, very slowly add the caster sugar.
5. When about half the sugar is added, turn the mixer to high and continue to slowly add remaining sugar. Leave the mixer running for about a minute after all the sugar is added.
6. Transfer the mix into the piping bag.
7. Pipe small domes onto a tray lined with greaseproof paper.
8. Reduce oven temperature to 90 degrees and bake for an hour-and-a-half.
9. Turn the oven off while leaving the meringues inside to cool completely.