The 1970s was a decade where wallpaper was used with great enthusiasm. Every room was covered in a patterned wallpaper, and every room had a different pattern, which was sometimes combined with contrasting patterned curtain fabric and patterned carpet. It’s thanks to the 70s that we are very frightened of wallpaper, and we should be. Some of the patterns used were just horrific. However, PLEASE don’t disregard wallpaper as there are so many stunning patterns available now, and they add so much personality to a space.
Built in bar
As well the kinds of parties where you’d throw your keys in a bowl (!), the 70s are known for built-in-bars in the home. Why did this trend ever die? What a fabulous idea to have a fully-stocked bar in your lounge room to get the party started. Flack Studio have incorporated glamorous bars in their interiors, I’ll drink to that!
This has got me thinking about why we find the 1970s so appealing? Do we feel nostalgic for a time when we were young (or our parents were young), without social media, without the internet? Instead of playing on the iPad, and scheduled activities, kids played with things like yo-yos and matchbox cars.
Before the endless choice of music on demand from Spotify, and back to a time when we saved our money to buy a record that we listened to on repeat and really LOVED (through And some seriously HUGE speakers). The 1970s were all about entertaining, enjoying the company of family and friends, and homes were designed to encourage that interaction.
Suddenly the Seventies revival seems infinitely appealing!