TDF Kids Art Awards

The TDF Kids Art Awards WINNERS!

You might remember in March we launched a little something called the TDF Kids Art Awards – an online art competition open to all Australian children aged 16 years and under.

Entrants were asked to create an artwork in any medium, based on the theme ‘Australia’, to be judged by three amazing artists: Ken Done, Beci Orpin, and Reko Rennie!

1300 entries later, we’re SO pleased to announce the five winning artists today, who are each being awarded a massive $2000 thanks to presenting partner, Honan. 15 runners up will also receive a customised pencil case featuring their artwork thanks to Crumb Kids

Thank you SO MUCH to Honan for supporting this inaugural event, and to all the amazing artists who entered! All of your entry fees have been directly donated to Children’s Ground – an incredible First Nations-led organisation that works with entire communities over 25 year periods to make real and lasting change.

So without further ado, here are the winners of the TDF Kids Art Awards, 2021!

Lucy Feagins
Proudly Presented By Honan
Lucy Feagins
6th of May 2021

I’ll be honest, when launching the first ever TDF Kids Art Awards, I didn’t know what to expect. I thought Australian kids were talented, but never did I anticipate the INCREDIBLE artworks submitted to this inaugural competition. From abstract interpretations of ‘unicorn sunsets’ by three-year-olds, to extraordinarily detailed drawings of wildlife, and even needle-felted embroidered works, there are some seriously amazing upcoming artists in this country!

Selecting the winning works was no easy feat for our judges: legendary artist Reko Rennie, Melbourne’s design darling Beci Orpin and the iconic Ken Done, but after much deliberation, they’ve selected five winners and 15 runners up!

Thank you to Honan for supporting this event, and to every single person who entered. Not only have you blown us away with your talent, by entering, you’ve helped raise valuable funds for Children’s Ground who do incredible work supporting First Nations communities. 

All entries are available to view on the event website, but for now, join us in congratulating the five $2000 winners, and 15 runners up! 



Molly Wattle Boney (5)

Artist statement: “Golden wattle and cockatoo nests at sunset. Inspired by my middle name which is ‘Wattle’ because my birthday is on the 6th of August and this is when wattle is most golden.”


Eva Clark (3)

Artist statement: “I love watching unicorn sunsets while enjoying rainbow Paddle Pops by the harbour.” 

Marley Fogarty (4)

Artist statement: “Titled ‘Brightness’. Watches his mummy create art and has been inspired to do the same. Mum said fill the canvas with colour and this is what he created. 

Alfie Wong (4)

Artist statement: “This is my koala and he is sitting in a big gumtree.”

AGES 6 – 7


Storm Ivy Farhat (7)

Artist statement: “A gumtree in the pretty Australian desert sunset.” 


Luna Leiva-Escobar (6)

Artist statement: “It’s what I think about Australia: the people, animals and trees living in harmony.”

Joshua Dirnberger (7)

Artist statement: “I used Australian gum leaves to crown my Australian cockatoo painting.” 

Sullivan Alder (7):

Artist statement: “When I think of Australia I think of the beach and pelicans, and so I have painted Bill the pelican eating all my favourite Australian food!”

AGES 8 – 10


Sonny Van Der Poel (10) 

Artist statement: “The cockatoo is my favourite Australian animal because they always squawk outside my bedroom window in the morning.”


Colleen Smith (9)

Artist statement: “I painted it because I love birds. I love eagles – they are good at seeing and hunting.”

Morgan Jesse Brown (10)

Artist statement: “Hot, sleepy, summer days.”

Polly Bryson (9)

Artist statement: “Kate the kookaburra”

AGES 11 13


Lucas Michela Kennedy, (12) 

Artist statement: “This is Australia and symbols of our great country.” 


Jack James Gordon, (11) 

Artist statement: “The smell of a fire in the winter in the Blue Mountains.” 

Rose Morton (12)

Artist statement: “I am fascinated by Australian birds and their bright colours!”

Tian Leala Bray (12)

Artist statement: Australia is safety and warmth – I have tried to capture that in my needle felted and embroidered artwork.”

AGES 14 – 16

WINNER: Amelie Glendenning (14)

Artist statement: “This is a self-portrait of me and things that make me smile about Melbourne and things I missed when living overseas.”


Declan Mar (15)

Artist statement: “When deciding on what to draw for the theme of Australia, I thought of our unique and diverse wildlife that has existed alongside Aboriginal culture for thousands of years, and that is why I settled on the emu with its ruffled feathers and cheeky grin.”

Isabella Doherty (15)

Artist statement: “Australia’s strength, beauty and uniqueness is expressed through its landscape, as it always rises above the ashes and returns stronger and more beautiful than before.”

Lucia Frazzetto (15)

Artist statement: “Australia to me is the 15 minute train ride I take to school each morning, seeing people from all over unite and then go about their day.” 

The TDF Kids Art Awards is proudly presented by Honan. Founded in 1964 here in Australia, Honan provides a full range of insurance, risk and financial solutions to individuals and businesses.