Photo – Tamara Dean, represented by Martin Browne Contemporary.

The Great Barrier Reef + Human Vulnerability Under A New Lens

A powerful exhibition by photographer Tamara Dean, created on a life-changing trip to Heron Island with the Climate Council.

Elle Murrell
18th of November 2018

As part of a group of artists, musicians, actors, philanthropists and business leaders, Sydney-based photographer Tamara Dean was recently invited to Heron Island, near the Tropic of Capricorn in the southern Great Barrier Reef. During the trip, she learned about the effects of climate change from Professor Tim Flannery and world-leading coral experts, while experiencing ‘the beauty and fragility of the reef’.

‘The personal challenge I set for myself was to try to distil the information which we were given down to a symbolic singular image, or series that spoke to the fragility of our environment and human existence, also depicting the beauty, power and grace that we possess as living creatures,’ explains Tamara. The beginning of what will becoming a larger, ongoing series, is currently on display at Martin Browne Contemporary.

Tamara is deeply concerned about the lack of leadership from our federal politicians on strong climate and energy policies. She hopes that sharing her images will contribute to the larger conversation about the importance of putting our environment front and centre, and to make the point that immediate change needs to happen.

‘My intention with these works is to make the point that humans are as vulnerable as the many creatures which we see added to the ever-growing endangered list,’ she explains. ‘We, as mammals in a sensitive ecosystem, are not above or immune to the effects of climate change. The difference being that the power and responsibility lay with us.’

Endangered by Tamara Dean
Preview on until November 21st
Martin Browne Contemporary
15 Hampden Street
Paddington, New South Wales

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